About Me

Leanne Shipley

I am a photographic artist with a keen interest in Fine Art.
Inspired by artists such as Roger Ballen and Joshua Hoffine, I have recently been exploring the realms of fear, phobia and night terrors. I have always been fascinated by the extreme and overwhelming emotions provoked by the anxiety created by these phenomena.

I am currently nearing the completion of my HND in Art & Design, and looking forward to my end of year exhibition, which is at present my main focus.

Interested in the psychology behind fear, and feeling that when portrayed as an art form, fear stems from the subconscious, I have created for the exhibition a two piece installation to house a series of images designed to awaken dormant childhood memories and create a feeling of instinctive unease from within the viewer. 
The first stage of the piece is intended to gain the interest of the viewer and generate certain emotions, leaving unanswered questions about the intention of the piece. Curiosity will naturally evoke an urge to return to view the second stage which will present the images in a contextual environment,  re-awakening the emotional responses. 

I hope you enjoy visiting my site, and seeing some examples of the work I am preparing to display. Your comments and feedback are most welcome, and I very much look forward to hearing your responses.

Thank you for stopping by, Lea xx